Test system for distribution transformers

The DiTAS test system is used for type, routine and special tests of distribution transformers in the factory. It meets the requirements of IEC 60076 and other international standards.
A static frequency converter is the central voltage source for the test system. The integrated measurement system provides high-precision measuring of both test voltages and power losses.
The modular and extendable design of the DiTAS allows adaptations of the test system to meet even the most specific customer requirements in test setup, test sequence and production environment.

Your Advantages at a Glance

  1. THD < 5%

  2. PD level < 5 pC

  3. frequency converter 16 ⅔ … 200 Hz for supply of an entire test run by one power source

  4. Intuitive and ergonomic control system

  5. Modular test system, can be customized to fit special requirements

  6. Highly accurate and calibrated power loss measurement - no determination of final measurement uncertainty necessary

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Product Information

  • Induced voltage tests (basic version)
  • No-load losses tests (basic version) 
  • Load losses tests (basic version)
  • Applied voltage tests (extension to applied voltage test required)
  • Fully automated test sequences and procedures (Extension to automated test field required)

The DiTAS test system can be extended to perform complete routine tests on distribution transformers.
A motorized switching system makes it possible to execute the complete routine test sequence fully automatically and with significantly reduced test time. The expanded inspection system can be fully integrated into the manufacturing process.

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  • Induced voltage tests (basic version)
  • No-load losses tests (basic version) 
  • Load losses tests (basic version)
  • Applied voltage tests (extension to applied voltage test required)
  • Fully automated test sequences and procedures (Extension to automated test field required)

The DiTAS test system can be extended to perform complete routine tests on distribution transformers.
A motorized switching system makes it possible to execute the complete routine test sequence fully automatically and with significantly reduced test time. The expanded inspection system can be fully integrated into the manufacturing process.

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Contact our Experts

Thomas R. Melle

Advanced Testing Systems, Inc.

Phone +1 203-743-2001
Mobile +1 731-420-6930
E-Mail t.melle@advtest.com

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Thomas R. Melle

Advanced Testing Systems, Inc.

Phone +1 203-743-2001
Mobile +1 731-420-6930
E-Mail t.melle@advtest.com

Scan the QR code to save the contact details as a VCF on your smartphone

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